Awareness - Your Path and Reiki Meet
Hi there, my name is Jennifer Cameron (Jen), Usui Reiki Master/Practitioner and creator of Crow Feather Energy Healing. My intention is to provide an integrative therapeutic energy healing experience with a combination of Reiki, Intuitive Counseling and Shiatsu. Throughout my life, I've held my intuitive sensitivities and abilities close and nurtured them, only to become more defined and harnessed with time, patience, practice and experience. The term(s) that best describe my abilities in this regard are Clairsentient (clear-knowing) and Clairaudient (clear-hearing) or as I like to simply say, Intuitive.
As a Lightworker, one thing I have consistently observed is that Universe will provide you with every support you need when you are walking your path. Opportunities will come to you – and if they are not, then you need to ask yourself, "am I allowing myself to follow a heart-centered path and if so, is this just a question of trusting in universal timing?"
Please remember that with an open heart and a willingness to know your authentic self, your path will always find you!
At times you may feel as though you are fumbling about in the dark, with not a clue as to what you are here to do, but here is a truth – you're already on your path. And whether it seems like a “proper” life path or not is irrelevant. If you want your path to become clearer to you, ask Universe to assist you, but know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. You are experiencing and learning exactly what you are meant to. The more you can accept this, the more you will actually flow into a conscious and fulfilling expression of your life path.
As a collective, we are in the midst of a great spiritual awakening or shift. This is a process of unveiling hidden truths and awakening into the spiritual beings that we were destined to be. People who have had no sense of their spiritual connection to all things are beginning to experience synchronicity and other experiences that they can no longer ignore. It is our soul's cry for freedom as we begin transforming our lives into something more purposeful, significant and divine.
Reiki, and other forms of energy healing, have been a path of awakening for millions of people for thousands of years and is so powerful because it allows us to tap into tremendous sources of our power from within.
We learn to walk hand-in-hand with angels, earth spirits, mother earth, ascended masters, and with our spirit guides. It’s beautiful! Through Reiki, we can learn to lean on the tremendous support from invisible worlds and higher dimensions, yet ultimately, these forces cannot do the work for us. We must do the work ourselves.
We expand our perception and awareness through this sacred process called Reiki.
We choose to grow and we choose to change.
We face our fears.
We look into and send love to our own hearts.
We release our anger, our resentments and our traumas.
We become our own best friend.
We shine our light outward.
We take responsibility for our errors.
​We quiet our minds to strengthen our hearts.
We give kindness and compassion without judgement.
I look forward to meeting you!
My sincerest gratitude and love to all of my spiritual teachers throughout this journey.
Mum, Dad, Nanny and Grandad, you have been so instrumental in my journey of higher learning. Mum, you had to leave this realm when I was only sixteen. But your beautiful bright light shines eternally along side mine - I am honoured to be your daughter and your friend. Despite a thin veil between us, we will always walk together. Dad, I finally understand what the "tough stuff" of this journey is all about. Because I have learned to accept yours, I have come to accept and appreciate mine. I dearly love you both!
Blair, Nathan, Charlie, Tony and the farm, you fill my heart, make me smile and laugh. Together in life, we sure make a great team! And together in life, love and peace, I experience everyday what love truly is - thank you!
​Universe, because of you, I AM.